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Canton Fair Notice from Phase 1-2
by admin on 24-03-11
Dear friends, we will be attending Canton Fair from 15th to 19th for phase 1 23th to 27th of April 2024 for phase 2 welcome to visit us
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We Are on Chinese New Year Holiday from 7th -17th of February 2024
by admin on 24-02-06
Dear partners worldwide, thanks for your support in 2023 we are now on Chinese new year holiday from 7th to 17th of February 2024 and will be back to office at 18th, best wishes to you and your family. best regards colorking heat press machine co.,ltd
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we are back to office now at 29th of January 2023
by admin on 23-01-30
Dear Partners, We are back to office from Chinese New Year Holiday now , Everything is running in order in China after holiday . looking forward to your further cooperation in following 2023 . Wish you all success healthy and rich . Colorking Heat Press Machine Co.,LTD.
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We are on Chinese New Year Holiday from 19th to 28th of January 2023
by admin on 23-01-30
Dear Partners Worldwide we are on Chinese New Year Holiday from 19th to 28th of January 2023 . we will be back to office on 29th , thanks for your support in 2022 let us move forward further cooperation in following new year , wish you all success healthy and rich ! Colorking Heat Press Machine C...
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2022 Labor Day Holiday Notice ( April 30th to May 4th)
by admin on 22-04-29
Dear Precious Partners As Internatioal Labor Day Holiday is coming, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation and continued support and we look forward to a continuation of our relationship in future. Colorking Team wishes you all a safe and prosperity and good fo...
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2022 Spring Festival Holiday Notice
by admin on 22-01-28
Dear Precious Partners As Chinese New Year Holiday (Spring Festival) is coming, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation and continued support throughout the year and we look forward to a continuation of our relationship during 2022 and beyond. Colorking Team wish...
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We Are at Your Side, Purchase Kn95 Mask for You !
by admin on 20-04-10
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 on February ,customer ask for help to purchase the mask for them ,we would like to support each other to overcome this hard situation. following is details for your reference.
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Mengembangkan Tim Gairah, Menunjukkan Colorking Style
oleh admin pada 19-06-26
The 3rd Colorking Penjualan Liga Elite Bangunan Kegiatan Blossom Sempurna Melalui kegiatan pembangunan kelompok, juga meningkatkan kohesi tim penjualan, tetapi juga membiarkan orang baru yang lebih terintegrasi ke dalam keluarga Ap. Semua orang dalam kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, solidaritas dan Mutua ...
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Kereta Sebuah Generasi Baru, Build A New Future
oleh admin pada 19-06-26
Colorking selalu membangun eselon bakat sebagai rencana strategis; Belajar adalah manfaat terbaik bagi karyawan! Tiga hari waktu belajar segera berlalu. Ada beberapa mitra yang baru saja bergabung colorking segera. Ini adalah kehormatan besar untuk memiliki kesempatan belajar seperti outing untuk pertama kalinya. Iya,...
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